Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) is a disease when patients suffers from an increased blood pressure in the lung vasculature. Just like the patients with SARS, patients with PAH may suffer from shortness of breath. Other typical PAH symptoms are dizziness, non-productive cough, angina pectoris, syncope, fainting, fatigue, hemoptysis. These signs do not manifest all at once, which is why many patients do not visit a doctor, and thus make a wrong diagnosis. There are 4 additional types of pulmonary hypertension: (venous, thromboembolic, miscellaneous, hypoxic). The patient requires a series of tests to establish the type of the disease.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension is not a usual disease, and sometimes it is difficult to determine its cause. My Canadian Pharmacy claims that the most popular causes include heart disease, HIV, scleroderma, liver disease. The disease may be hereditary. To diagnose PAH, a doctor has to do several tests, including pulmonary function tests, blood tests, chest x-ray, right heart catheterization, echocardiogram, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging.
PAH treatment methods include anticoagulants, oxygen therapy, heart medication, diuretics, which are available at My Canadian Pharmacy. Lifestyle changes can also provide patients with PAH a better life: making laundry more accessible, easy access to kitchenware, modifying showers and baths, regular and emergency child care, managing family activities, securing handicapped parking, limiting use of stairs and others.